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Neighbours Episode 6137 from 2011 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<6136 - 6138>>
Episode title: 6137
Australian airdate: 12/04/11
UK airdate: 10/05/11
Writer: Chris Corbett
Director: Tony Osicka
Guests: Tomas Bersky - Tim Monley
Summary/Images by: Carly/Graham
- Jade firing Kyle from his job at the gym
- Tash questioning Tomas about the dance party
- Tomas threatening Andrew to keep quiet
- Tash telling her dad to call the cops on the party
Dance Venue
Andrew's still warily keeping an eye on the party until the lights suddenly come on and Detective Brennan appears with some fellow colleagues. Mark tells Tomas and Andrew they've heard there might be some illegal activity going on and do a search of everyone's bags. Mark finds a pile of cash on Tomas, but he brushes it off as last minute ticket sales at the door. The cops leave empty handed after finding no drugs but Mark's still suspicious. Summer asks Andrew what's going on but Andrew pretends to be clueless. Later, when everything is being packed up, Tomas tells Andrew that the losses are coming out of his half of the money and if he breathes a word of what really went on to anyone, Tomas will bring Andrew down with him.
Charlie's Bar/Number 32
Picking up a takeaway order, Paul's surprised to see Andrew sitting by himself. Andrew has to explain to his dad why the night ended so early. Paul's appalled that the police could just saunter in and wreck the night, and tells Andrew he's taking Mark to Ethical Standards over the matter. But Andrew says what's done is done and there's no point dragging it out.
Michael gets off the phone from the cops and angrily tells Tash that the police didn't find anything. Tash protests that she was telling the truth, but Michael thinks she's just pulled off another revenge plot against her ex. He assumes it was Mark's talk at the school that gave her the idea in the first place and growls at his daughter that she can't be trusted - ever.
Number 24 - Next Morning
Jade takes an old chair from next to the coat stand and uses it to do her exercises on. Kyle stops by to drop off some keys for Lucas and helps Kate find her handbag while he's there. Kate tells Jade not to use the chair because it used to belong to her mother, but when she leaves for work Jade still keeps using it.
KYLE: Didn't you hear her?
JADE: Come on, nothing's going to happen. Unless you're suggesting I'm too heavy?
KYLE: That's got nothing to do with it.
JADE: Are you calling me fat?
They keep bickering about it until, surprise, surprise, the chair breaks. Cut to later and Jade's on the phone to a handyman, but she's not exactly forthcoming with the hardware knowledge.
JADE: How am I supposed to know what join it is? It's a chair join.
Meanwhile, Kyle is surveying the situation while snacking on some toast. Jade hangs up on the handyman when she realises he's going to charge $200. Lucas finds out what's going on and tells Jade that she better fix the chair before Kate kills her. Jade tries to persuade him to help but Lucas reminds her he's a mechanic not a handyman. Kyle says he could give it a crack, but Jade doesn't really trust someone who spills jam on his shirt and decides to lick it off to clean it.
Charlie's Bar
Andrew looks over some figures on his laptop with Paul and discovers he's not going to turn a profit from last night (realising he shouldn't have offered refunds to people when the cops showed up). Speaking of cops showing up, Mark appears and asks Andrew for a word down at the station. Paul's adamant that Mark is bordering on harassment, but Mark says that Tomas is "known to them" and if he finds out that Andrew was complicit in anything he'll be charged.
First Commercial Break
Erinsborough Police Station
Mark asks Andrew a few questions about Tomas, but Paul keeps interrupting to say that Andrew has done nothing wrong. Mark rightly assumes that Andrew knows more about Tomas's business dealings than he's letting on, but Andrew remains silent. When Mark hints that Tomas might not be so loyal to Andrew when push comes to shove, though, Andrew admits to his dad that there's something he should know (when Mark is out of earshot).
Erinsborough Police Station - Exterior
Andrew swears to his dad that he wasn't involved in Tomas's extra curricular activities, but Paul's still furious that his son allowed it to go on. Andrew admits he couldn't back out of the deal because Paul was finally proud of him and invested in the business and he didn't want to disappoint him. Paul gives him a stern look and tells Andrew to turn around, go back into the station, and tell Mark everything. Andrew nods and starts to walk off. It takes a moment before Paul follows him.
Harold's Store
Jade and Kyle order some coffees from Kate before sneakily perusing the shelves for anything that will help them fix the chair. And because Harold's is a magical store with everything, Jade finds some wood glue. Kyle doesn't think the glue's going to work by itself - he busted his mum's spice rack once and it didn't help - but Jade shushes him and tries to call some of her old boyfriends for their advice.
Ramsay Street
Summer approaches Andrew and asks if he's OK after last night. She adds that she hasn't seen Tash at all today and thinks she's probably too scared to show her face. Paul intervenes and tells Summer they're dealing with a personal matter, aka 'rack off'. When Summer leaves Andrew tells his dad he didn't need to be rude, but Paul's in a bad mood with his son and calls him an idiot. He can't believe he put all those kids lives in danger last night - reminding him that Sophie wanted to attend at one point. Andrew tells Paul he shouldn't act like he's never done anything dodgy with his money before, but Paul says he trusted Andrew with a lot more than money.
Second Commercial Break
Ramsay Street
Michael tells Tash to get the shopping out of the boot before going over to where Andrew's sitting on the nature strip. He starts to apologise for Tash getting the party shut down, but Andrew says that Tash was telling the truth. Michael's surprised and thanks him for his honesty. When Michael goes back to Tash he helps her with the shopping bags and puts his arm around her shoulders.
Paul saunters down the driveway and lets Andrew know that as of today, Robinson Entertainment no longer exists. From now on, Andrew's main priority is going to be his schoolwork. Andrew looks annoyed but Paul angrily tells him that he'll make his life a lot worse if he pushes the matter.
Number 24
Jade's having no luck with any of her old contacts but is surprised to see that Kyle has let himself in and worked his magic on the chair - it's completely fixed. Jade's unsure of his handyman prowess, but he tells her to sit on it and test it out, jumping on her lap to prove that it can hold two people with ease. They're having a laugh with one another, with Kyle even managing a "thank you" from Jade, when Kate arrives home, not looking impressed at all.
Charlie's Bar
Michael says he's happy Tash told the truth about the party but it doesn't automatically cancel out everything else she did. He says she's still got a lot of ground to make up, but from their smiles they're on their way to becoming a happy family unit again.
Number 24
Kate thankfully just lets Jade off with a smile and a warning not to use the chair again. Lucas tells Kyle he did a good job and thinks he should go into the Mr Fix- it business full time. Kyle thinks it's more of a hobby, "like going to the gym but without the chicks". But Lucas says the best thing he ever did was make his hobby into a career. Kyle ponders on this.
Charlie's Bar
Tomas spies Summer and tries to chat her up, yet again, but Summer shuts him down for the millionth time just as Brennan and some cops swoop in to arrest him for "distribution of a controlled substance". Tomas says they've got nothing on him but Mark replies that a client of Tomas's gave them a statement and they're going to search his house. Summer yells at Tomas for ruining things for Andrew, but Tomas says her little boyfriend isn't as innocent as she thinks.
Third Commercial Break
Harold's Store
Summer is beyond disappointed when she gets confirmation from Andrew that he knew about Tomas's dodgy dealings. Andrew says he didn't want her to get caught up in everything, but Summer angrily tells him not to make this about her. She says that the only person he was trying to protect was himself. Andrew tries to stop her from leaving but she tells him not to touch her and walks out the door.
(Tomorrow on Neighbours)
SUMMER: You've got to be kidding me.
CHRIS: She's stuck at home by herself.
SUMMER: She's got the cat.
(Chris persuades Summer to visit Tash with him)
SUMMER: You're getting really good at emotional blackmail, you know that?
(Sonya waves at Callum and Toadie from across the street)
CALLUM: I want to talk about Sonya.
TOADIE: Yeah well I don't.
(Karl finds Toadie at Harold's with news about Callum)
KARL: Now he's taking advice from the Prince of Darkness.
(Cal listens intently to Paul)
PAUL: Control your destiny or someone else will.
(Toadie goes to #28)
TOADIE: Where is he?
KARL: He went to meet you at the office.
(And then barges into #24)
TOADIE: Callum!
SONYA: I swear I haven't seen him.
<<6136 - 6138>>
Andrew Robinson, Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 6137
Andrew Robinson, Mark Brennan

Andrew Robinson, Mark Brennan, Tomas Bersky in Neighbours Episode 6137
Andrew Robinson, Mark Brennan, Tomas Bersky

Andrew Robinson, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6137
Andrew Robinson, Paul Robinson

Michael Williams, Natasha Williams in Neighbours Episode 6137
Michael Williams, Natasha Williams

Jade Mitchell in Neighbours Episode 6137
Jade Mitchell

Kyle Canning, Lucas Fitzgerald, Jade Mitchell in Neighbours Episode 6137
Kyle Canning, Lucas Fitzgerald, Jade Mitchell

Paul Robinson, Mark Brennan, Andrew Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6137
Paul Robinson, Mark Brennan, Andrew Robinson

Andrew Robinson, Paul Robinson, Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 6137
Andrew Robinson, Paul Robinson, Mark Brennan

Andrew Robinson, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6137
Andrew Robinson, Paul Robinson

Jade Mitchell, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 6137
Jade Mitchell, Kyle Canning

Andrew Robinson, Paul Robinson, Summer Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 6137
Andrew Robinson, Paul Robinson, Summer Hoyland

Andrew Robinson, Natasha Williams, Michael Williams in Neighbours Episode 6137
Andrew Robinson, Natasha Williams, Michael Williams

Natasha Williams in Neighbours Episode 6137
Natasha Williams

Jade Mitchell, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 6137
Jade Mitchell, Kyle Canning

Kate Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 6137
Kate Ramsay

Michael Williams, Natasha Williams in Neighbours Episode 6137
Michael Williams, Natasha Williams

Lucas Fitzgerald, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 6137
Lucas Fitzgerald, Kyle Canning

Kate Ramsay, Jade Mitchell in Neighbours Episode 6137
Kate Ramsay, Jade Mitchell

Mark Brennan, Tomas Bersky, Policeman, Summer Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 6137
Mark Brennan, Tomas Bersky, Policeman, Summer Hoyland

Summer Hoyland, Andrew Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6137
Summer Hoyland, Andrew Robinson

Andrew Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6137
Andrew Robinson

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