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Neighbours Episode 5168 from 2007 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<5167 - 5169>>
Episode title: 5168: Cruelly, Badly, Weeply
Australian airdate: 14/03/07
UK airdate: 22/05/07
Writer: Sarah Mayberry
Director: Chris Adshead
Guests: Glenn Forrest: Cleopatra Coleman
Raimonde Cammeniti: Jeff Kovski
- "Fire And Theft" by Dan Kelly And The Alphamales
Summary/Images by: Emily/Izzy-da-vixen
Janae gives Boyd a two week ultimatum: her or Glenn.
Elle tells Oliver she thinks Carmella was taking a gun with her to see her uncle.
Boyd tells Glenn he's separated; they kiss.
Scarlet Bar
As Boyd leaves Glenn in the office, he bumps into Janae who was on her way to find him. She asks how things are going, and he replies that they are fine, what with uni and running the bar. She mentions it's good how they've only got one more week to go, but Boyd doesn't look so enthralled with the idea.
Boyd goes to leave, but Janae asks if he's met up with Glenn. He makes it clear he's not going to say anything, and she admits that she doesn't need to know and allows him to head back to the office.
As she goes to leave Janae runs into Steph and mentions the talk with Boyd. Janae seems positive that everything is going to work out.
Boyd and Glenn are smooching on the couch as Steph enters the office.
Lassiter's Complex
Meeting with her uncle, Carmella is warned that she has a temper just like her father. He blames her for selling Teresa's baby, but Carmella points out that Teresa only did it because she was terrified of him. Ray starts calling Carmella pathetic, but she tells him that he is, and that he's just as bad as her father. Ray falls back into the chair clutching his chest. Oliver arrives and immediately calls an ambulance, but Carmella is convinced her uncle is faking it.
Lassiter's Hotel
As Paul and Elle run a check on the keeping of hotel rooms, Elle explains to her father that Carmella is about to be checked into the asylum, to allow her and Oliver to get together, on his terms. Paul seems pleased with the plan, and wonders if Elle is seeing anyone. She admits she is, but it won't affect the plan with Oliver. She turns the question back on her father, about his whereabouts the previous night, but he refuses to answer, claiming they still have more work to do.
Scarlet Bar Office
Boyd returns informing Steph that Glenn has gone. Steph questioned what was going on, to which Boyd claims it was just a kiss. He explains how Janae has given him two weeks to sort his head out which is what he's trying to do, but Steph doesn't believe he's going about it the right way. She points out to Boyd that Janae believes they are about to get back together, and that he needs to sort out his feeling quick smart.
Lassiter's Complex
As Oliver tries to keep Ray calm as they wait for the ambulance, and audience has built up. Carmella still believes that Ray is making it up to seek attention, but Ray grabs her by the arm and informs her that she didn't do it. Someone else is out there after her.
Erinsborough Hospital
As they wait for news on Ray, Carmella brainstorms possible people who could have set them up. She wonders if it was someone who was after Ray and thought they were in business with him, or maybe someone from Oliver's family after all his money. Oliver doesn't seem so impressed and asks her to drop the subject.
Steph pops by to find out how her car is going, but Janae informs her that the part hasn't come in yet so it will be another day. Telling her not to worry, Steph spots a nice car sitting at the end of the garage. Janae explains that she's bought it as a project to do up with Boyd. Steph goes quiet, causing Janae to wonder what's up. Steph warns her not to pin everything on Boyd and her getting back together and to keep a bit to look after herself, but Janae doesn't feel the need to and firmly believes that she and Boyd will be okay.
Lassiter's Hotel
Standing outside Glenn's door, Boyd prepares himself to knock. At first Glenn is pleased to see him and drags him in, but he stops her telling her that he needs to think of Janae. However it turns out that was just a figure of his imagination, as she actually informs him that they only have one hour and they're not going to do any talking.
Scarlet Bar
Toadie arrives as Steph finishes moving the sofa into the bar. He's brought her some old-school motorbike pictures to hang up around the place, and even bid on a pin-ball machine, for only $10. Steph is pleased with his generosity and thanks him. She asks if she can talk to him about Boyd as she is worried about him and not sure what to do.
Oliver and Elle arrive, though Oliver is worried about Carmella. Elle offers him the key to the family cabin that they have. She promised her dad she'd take a look at it, but recons he and Carmella would get more use out of it. Oliver thanks her.
Lassiter's Hotel Room
Boyd and Glenn are lying in bed after their hour of passion. He comments how hard it is, but she recons they just need to make the break. One of them needs to transfer uni so that they can be with each other. Glenn recons they should both head back to Hobart, as it so messy in Erinsborough, and that way they can start a fresh. Boyd doesn't seem so convinced.
Scarlet Bar
Toadie understands Steph's difficulty, and recons that he just needs the truth laid out in front of him by someone close to him. Steph admits she is the closest thing he's got to a mother, but it just sounds so hypocritical coming from her when they are seeing one another. Toadie points out it's the only option and wishes her luck.
Paul isn't so sure why Elle has sent Oliver to the cabin by himself. She points out that she is soon to have a fight with her father and will head to the cabin in need to talk to a friend. Paul is impressed at her idea and comments on her ability as such a quick learner.
Lassiter's Hotel Reception
As Boyd and Glenn arrive to pick up their room key, Steph comes over to talk to Boyd. She tells him that he made the mistake of getting married to young, and is still confused between love and lust. She asks Glenn how she can trust Boyd when he's still stringing his wife Janae along. Steph compares him to Bobby, and Boyd is about to answer back, but Steph gets in first, pointing out that he's a good looking guy who could go floating through life, when really he ought to grow up.
Carmella is pleased to see Oliver return. She is still worried about who it might have been that is after them. Oliver warns that she didn't help their cause by trying to compete with Ray in the first place, and is out of control.
Lassiter's Hotel Room
Returning to the room, Boyd tells Glenn not to worry too much about what Steph was saying. Confused she asks if he loves her. He says he does, but won't admit that he's stopped loving Janae. She tells him that it's unfair on Janae and that he can't keep stringing her along. He tells her that he doesn't know what he feels for her, but that there is definitely something strong between them. They hug.
Number 30
Elle arrives with the key for Oliver. He admits that things aren't going great and he'll make good use of the cabin. As Elle goes to leave he enquires if anything is wrong. She admits that she can never impress her father, something is always wrong. He goes to give the cabin key back to her, but she admits he needs it more. He realises that they could both go, as they both need some time out.
Ramsay Street
Steph spots Toadie as he arrives back from work. She thanks him for persuading him to talk to Boyd, though he doesn't see it as a big deal and is about to head inside. Steph stops him and invites him back to her place for a beer and a chat.
As they head off, Elle and Oliver appear. Elle is keen to pick up chocolate on the way, but spotting Carmella arriving back, pesters Oliver to hurry up and get into the car. Elle turns the music up so that Oliver can't hear Carmella calling her as they drive off.
Carmella asks Paul if he knows where they are headed to but he fakes ignorance and apologises.
Scarlet Bar Office
An excited Janae arrives to see Boyd. She can't resist and tells him about the car she's bought for them; a Triumph TR6. Boyd doesn't seem so enthralled at her talking about camping trips, and such like. Having gone quiet he admits he doesn't know how to tell her, but he's not coming back. He didn't want her to have to wait another week.
Janae heads out into the bar, sits down behind the counter and cries.
<<5167 - 5169>>
Janae Hoyland, Boyd Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 5168
Janae Hoyland, Boyd Hoyland

Boyd Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 5168
Boyd Hoyland

Glenn Forrest, Boyd Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 5168
Glenn Forrest, Boyd Hoyland

Steph Scully, Charlie Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 5168
Steph Scully, Charlie Hoyland

Raimondo Cammeniti, Oliver Barnes in Neighbours Episode 5168
Raimondo Cammeniti, Oliver Barnes

Steph Scully, Charlie Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 5168
Steph Scully, Charlie Hoyland

Glenn Forrest, Boyd Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 5168
Glenn Forrest, Boyd Hoyland

Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 5168
Steph Scully

Glenn Forrest in Neighbours Episode 5168
Glenn Forrest

Oliver Barnes in Neighbours Episode 5168
Oliver Barnes

Toadie Rebecchi, Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 5168
Toadie Rebecchi, Steph Scully

Carmella Cammeniti, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 5168
Carmella Cammeniti, Paul Robinson

Boyd Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 5168
Boyd Hoyland

Janae Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 5168
Janae Hoyland

Janae Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 5168
Janae Hoyland

Janae Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 5168
Janae Hoyland

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