- Rachel noticing Alex holding an engagement ring.
- Tracy telling Janae she has the wrong end of the stick
- Alex breaking it off with Susan
Lassiter's restaurant
Susan is in shock at Alex's news because she thought things/they were going so well but Alex tells her it isn't her and that it is for the best. Naturally she wants to know why or if something has happened but Alex doesn't answer her.
In another corner, Joe tells Lyn that he's been really nice to Steph and doesn't know what else to do, so Lyn suggests giving it time.
Back with Susan and Alex, where she tells him his decision just doesn't make sense but he says he has reasons, which Susan wants to hear. Alex doesn't want to say, so he suggests that he leaves and Susan thinks it would be for the best given she is just about ready to cry.
No. 26
Janelle with the aid of Bree and Stinger are trying to sort out a pile of bills but Janae, who is lounging on a sofa acting like a princess, refuses to help until Janelle starts telling them the truth. Janelle replies that she has told her everything but Janae isn't happy with this response and the fact she has kept them away from their dad but Janelle thinks she should be grateful. Naturally Janae isn't happy with that reply, as it should be up to them to decide. Neither is willing to concede the argument, so Janelle eventually lets rip at Janae for the suffering and pain she went through when Janae took off. Boy do these two like to argue as Janae claims that Janelle is always the victim and has been blaming things on her father for years. Janelle replies that Kim abandoned them what else does she need to know? Janae says that isn't what she heard in Colac and Janelle dismisses the people who said them (Tracy and Nancy) because they have hidden agenda's before announcing she's off to have a cuppa.
Lassiter's restaurant
Lyn wonders if Alex has left but Joe thinks he's just gone to the loo, so Lyn decides to go and see Susan. As she does so, Harold comes in to complain about his shoddy workmanship as a shelf he put up collapsed and ruined a lot of stock too. Joe tries to blame termites but Harold tells him that they don't eat metal and demands Joe come first thing in the morning to repair it before leaving.
At Susan's table, Lyn wants to know what Alex has said but given the lack of conversation earlier; the only thing Susan can tell her friend is that he doesn't want to see her anymore. Lyn doesn't get it as she thought he was about to propose and that Susan had knocked him back. Susan tells Lyn that she would have said yes if she'd been asked, so Lyn wonders if he's got cold feet. Susan then tells him that he doesn't want to see her anymore either.
Kinski house
The kid's wonder why Alex has come home early, thinking that Susan has said no. He wants to know what they are going to about, so Rachel explains that she saw the ring and did he propose to Susan. Alex then gives the kids the bad news that he won't be seeing Susan again and that he doesn't want to discuss it with them either when they want answers.
No. 28
Being the good friend that she is, Lyn forgoes lunch with Joe to console her friend. Susan wonders if it was rushed since he isn't that kind of a guy normally but Lyn adds that he had bought a ring...well according to Bree. They then talk about how he should have moved on after his wife's death, which Susan thought he had. Lyn tells her that given the spiel HandyAndy and Bobby told her, you can't trust what a man says but Susan replies that Alex is a different sort of man. Lyn comes up with another theory - Alex has been two-timing her with another woman and the ring is for her not Susan but Susan is shocked at that suggestion.
No. 26
Janelle comes through to tell Janae to get off the sofa and join them at the table for some food but she refuses to budge. Harold interrupts them as he calls to pick up some clothes for the Salvo's and is basically told to find them himself as she returns to the dinner table. Bree now leaves the table to have a go at Janae because Janelle is the one who looks after them, not Kim. She then adds that they haven't heard from their father since they left Colac and does that not tell her something, yes replies Janae; it says that Janelle has kept him away from them. Bree points out the obvious - there was nothing to stop their dad from keeping in touch if he'd wanted to. Harold comes out with a basket full of clothes and is about to leave until Janae points out that he is about to leave with her clean washing!
In the kitchen, Stinger asks his mum if it would hurt if she told them what happened with her dad, to clear things up he adds when Janelle accuses him of turning on her too. He asks her to tell the truth but Janelle doesn't want to go into the nasty little details and that Kim doesn't care about his family either. Too bad, he points out because Janae isn't going to let it rest until she finds out the whole story, which she'll either get from her or when she finds their dad.
Kinski house
As Zeke reads about kinetic energy, Susan calls round because she wants an explanation. Alex reiterates that it is over, so bearing in mind what Lyn suggested; she asks if there is someone else. "Yes there is" he replies and Susan lays into him for lying to her especially as she thought he was a decent man.
No. 26
Cute Ozzie alert as Joe tries to feed him but the little man does it all by himself as in the background Janae and Janelle are warring with each other in the living room. Lyn goes through to see what it is about and Janae wrestles something out of her mum's hand before fleeing out the door with Janelle in hot pursuit. Exasperated, Lyn tells Joe that she has had enough and it is time they went! Hooray! Joe says she should have chucked them out ages ago and suggests that she doesn't mince her words but tells Janelle straight. Lyn and Joe have a trial run of the conversation as little Ozzie chats away in the background but Joe thinks she should be firmer and set a a week.
LYN: A week's not enough love, I'd have to give them two weeks.
JOE (in a Janelle voice): Two weeks Lynnie! How am I going to find a place in two weeks? Do you know how hard it is for me cos I'm out in the cold; Bree's got her chest complaint, you know that. She'll get pneumonia. You're going to kill her. How would you feel then Lynnie?
PMSL as I struggle to type that! Lyn doesn't think Janelle would say that though but Joe thinks she'll do anything to get around her and therefore she needs to toughen up. Lyn comes up with what she is going to say - they have two weeks and that is final! Joe asks that she sticks to it because she has to think about herself and her own family.
Kinski House
The kids want to know why he lied to Susan about having another woman. He refuses to answer them and Zeke suggests that he can't let go of their mum, still no answer, so he adds that their mum would want him to move on and let go of the past so he can think of the future.
No. 26
Rachel calls round late at night because Bree wanted to hear in person what Rachel told her over the phone (Alex telling Susan he's seeing another woman). Rachel thinks he has made it up because of their mum but she thinks it is something else as he has been staring at the ring for hours. Bree suggests they tell Susan right now even though it is late that Alex lied and that he really loves her.
No. 28
Rachel pleads her dad's case but Susan says she has to believe what Alex said and reminds them that it is between Alex and herself and trying to force them together isn't helpful (Rachel mentioned her dad was on his way to pick her up).
No. 26
Lyn is having trouble sleeping, so she gets up to make a hot drink and is joined by Joe. She tells him why she is having trouble sleeping - she is dreading having to tell Janelle to move out. Joe says she can but Lyn replies that she can see herself in Janelle. No way Joe says, but Lyn is certain, the only difference between them is she has had the lucky breaks unlike Janelle.
JOE: No, I can't see that. Nah, she's rougher than the wrong end of a pineapple! You've got more style than that.
Lyn explains that unlike her, nobody has ever helped Janelle before and what kind of a friend would she be if she chucked her out?
No. 28
Before he knocks on the door, Zeke asks his dad if he's pushing Susan away because of them and is told no. Susan lets them in and Bree takes Zeke and Rachel back to Number 26 so the two of them can talk. Alex apologises and says there isn't another woman and reassures Susan that the last thing he wants to do is to get rid of her. He then says that he was afraid and confused.
ALEX: I love you Susan and I want you to marry me. Please say yes.
SUSAN: ...
No. 28
Darn it, an inconveniently placed commercial break means we don't hear Susan's answer but we come back to hear Susan say that she wants Alex in her life but doesn't want to play games like him changing his mind. Alex promises that he won't but Susan suggests they take some time to work out what they really want from the relationship. Alex tells her he knows what he wants - to marry her. He apologises for not being himself lately but Susan still wants some time apart so he can reassure the kids and sort out his feelings. Alex is keen to get some time away but not without her, and Susan comments that they don't need to rush things, as they have all the time in the world.
No. 26
Janelle is on the phone to her Mother in Law aka the Telephone Chipmunk in Colac telling the her that Janae doesn't need her father's phone number because she doesn't want him ruining his children's lives. Janae silently comes in the back door and picks up the phone to hear the conversation go from bad to worse from Janelle's point of view before telling her Mother in Law not to phone again as nobody wants to talk to her. Janelle hangs up but Janae asks her Nana not to hang up.
Bree, who has heard the whole conversation from the doorway to the bedroom, asks her mum why she hates Nana Timmin's so much. Janelle replies it is because she's always looked down her nose at them but won't explain more when Bree pushes for a reason. Bree announces that she is off to be with a normal family and Janelle wants to know why she wants to go off with them, so she says because Rachel and Zeke want her too, which Janelle accepts readily before sending her off with a kiss to the cheek.
Janae comes through from the kitchen holding a piece of paper with her dad's phone number that she got off her Nana and announces that she is going to go to her room so she can have a nice long chat with him. Janelle won't let her phone from the house so Janae says she'll call from a public phone instead. Realising Janae is going to call him regardless; she asks that she doesn't fall for his bull like she always did. Janae doesn't reply as she heads out of the house.
The General Store
Joe has finished repairing the shelf, now trying to blame the shoddy materials Lou bought as the reason they collapsed in the first place.
Out in the store, Susan tells Lyn that she isn't sure she did the right thing as a part of her wanted to say yes right then and there. Lyn reassures her she did the right thing given how Alex has behaved lately. Speak of the devil, Alex and the kids appear to give Bree the news that she can't come camping with them but she gets a consolation prize from Zeke - a peck on the cheek.
Alex gives Susan a long kiss after telling her he'll see her when he gets back. Susan tells Lyn it is going to be a long three days!
No. 26
Janelle is on the phone again telling Kim he's not to talk to any of the kids if they call or she'll tell them his dirty little secret. She gets the shock of her life though when Stinger having heard her conversation, asks "what dirty little secret?"