Previously on Erinsborough High
- Jeremiah shows the bruises he received from Ollie’s kicking on his video diary
- Hendrix is disturbed to see the extent of the damage that Ollie has done to Jeremiah
- Richie feels bad when he sees how much he’s upset Mackenzie
- He resolves not to let other people’s opinions affect their relationship, and they kiss again
- Richie shows Liv the anonymous texts some pupils got, which started the Liv/Muggleton rumours
- Liv texts a mystery person, asking why they sent the messages about Mr Muggleton
- The mystery person turns out to be Miss Reyner! She tells Liv to trust her; everything will be okay
School storeroom
Liv is filming her video diary.
LIV: I’m meant to be in my business exam right now. But, umm… life’s gotten pretty complicated. I used to come in here with Richie sometimes, to make out. It was weird, at first, cos of the age gap. But he was cute. Popular, which I used to care about. And Mum loved him. We didn’t have that much in common, but it was good. I mean, for a while, it was easy. Then my period was late.
Cue titles.
Harold’s Café
Liv is talking to her mum Angela, about the Mr Muggleton rumours. She insists she barely knows him, and doesn’t even do science.
LIV: He just gave me a ride to school. We’re not having sex.
LIV: Why are you so scared of that word. It’s just sex.
ANGELA: It’s never just sex when it’s someone who’s been paid to take care of you.
LIV: (…) Mr Muggleton has done nothing except be nice to me. So please don’t go marching into the school and have him fired, like you did with Miss Conway.
ANGELA: I’m just trying to protect you. And rumours always start somewhere.
LIV: They start from douche canoes with too much time on their hands.
ANGELA: Are you really okay?
LIV: I’m fine.
Angela’s keen for Liv to go to her resit business exam; Liv isn’t bothered, as it won’t affect the marks she needs to get into creative writing at uni. Angela says that if the rumours are just fake news, Liv should hold her head high, walk in and finish what she started.
ANGELA: Don’t let those… douche canoes… affect your future.
Liv smiles.
Lassiter’s Lake
Hendrix is at DeadKate™’s Gazebo, doing his video diary.
HENDRIX: Ghost is an idiot, copping crap from Ollie. Whatever, that’s his problem. If he wants to be a coward, then… that’s his defect… No, forget I said that. It’s not his fault; it’s Ollie’s… It’s mine. Yeah, he was the one who purposely didn’t tell Ollie that we weren’t tanking the exam. So yeah, he is partly to blame. But I brought him into this. I put him right in the line of fire. I… I know I’ve got issues, but Ghost? … Jez. He’s got no- one looking out for him. And all he’s ever done is be smarter than anyone else… Maybe he needs some help. Maybe that help needs to be me.
Common room
Yashvi, Harlow, Mackenzie and Richie are talking about Liv.
YASHVI: You didn’t make her get an abortion, did you?
RICHIE: What?! No! I didn’t even know she was pregnant.
HARLOW: We don’t know she ever *was* pregnant. I mean, the test was unopened, right?
RICHIE: She didn’t tell me anything. We’d only been having sex for a few weeks.
YASHVI: It only takes once, genius.
HARLOW: Uh, not the time, Vee. Maybe it wasn’t from when you guys were together?
MACKENZIE: But she said –
HARLOW: I know, but… Olivia may just be throwing us off.
YASHVI: No, she swore she wasn’t doing it with Mr Muggleton.
HARLOW: Well, whoever it was, she was clearly embarrassed by them.
MACKENZIE: Or they’re embarrassed by her.
RICHIE: Olivia is obsessed with drama and grand romance. If this person is trying to hide their relationship for some reason, Olivia probably doesn’t see it as a bad thing. She’ll be loving the secrecy.
Mackenzie looks worried.
The Pavilion
Mackenzie’s recording her video diary.
MACKENZIE: I know this sounds bad, but… the whole time we were talking about poor Liv and the pregnancy test, literally all I could think about was, ‘oh, my god – Richie’s had sex’. I know, I know – I’m an awful, terrible person. He was just so… I dunno… brazen. Talking about it like it’s not a big deal. But it is for me – it’s huge! I mean, I hadn’t even kissed someone till a couple of months ago. I can’t imagine not doing it now, but… having sex… letting someone see me… I mean, is that what he’s expecting? Because I can’t imagine someone who’s been having sex since the beginning of the year would be satisfied with G- rated make- out sessions. Not for long, anyway.
Tears start to roll down her cheek as she has another thought.
MACKENZIE: I bet he thinks I’ve had surgery. I mean, why wouldn’t he? … I need to tell him the truth… But I’m scared. I don’t want him to run away.
School corridor
Liv is walking to her exam, and gets a text from her mum, saying, ‘I’ll be outside waiting. Love you x’ – followed by another one with the word ‘douche’ and a canoe emoji! She enters the classroom, and is surprised to see Miss Reyner there.
LIV: What are you doing here?
MISS REYNER: I volunteered to supervise your exam. Didn’t your mum tell you?
Liv goes to sit down.
MISS REYNER: I’m gonna need your phone.
LIV: What for?
MISS REYNER: To make sure you don’t cheat.
Liv reluctantly hands the phone over, and takes a seat. Miss Reyner closes the door.
Common room
Richie suggests he and Mackenzie study for biology later. But she has other things on the brain, and blurts them out.
MACKENZIE: Hearing you talking about having sex with Liv before really freaked me out, because I never considered that was something we’d do soon. Or that you’d want to do. With me. Is that weird?
MACKENZIE: It is weird.
MACKENZIE: I’m sorry.
RICHIE: No, no – don’t apologise.
MACKENZIE: I just want you to know what you’re getting into with me, before we start planning mini golf dates, and weekend- y stuff.
RICHIE (laughs): You wanna play mini golf?
MACKENZIE: Bad suggestion.
RICHIE: No, no. I’ve been thinking about this stuff too, and actually, doing some research. I know you’re pre- surgery.
RICHIE: I read you can’t have it till you’re eighteen. And seeing as I haven’t got an invite to your mini golf birthday party yet…
MACKENZIE (laughs): So you want to do this? I mean, us?
RICHIE: … If that’s cool with you.
Mackenzie smiles.
School corridor
Two police officers are talking to Hendrix. Nearby, Mr Muggleton watches with Ollie and Jeremiah. Ollie jokes that the police must be here to investigate Muggleton’s ‘special relationship’ with Liv.
MR MUGGLETON: Shut up, Sudekis.
But Hendrix is pointing the police in their direction.
OLLIE (to Muggleton): Have fun in the slammer, mate.
HENDRIX: Actually, mate, they’re here for you.
OLLIE: What?
HENDRIX: Mm. He’s the one who assaulted Jeremiah Annan.
MR MUGGLETON: You’re kidding.
JEREMIAH: You reported him?
HENDRIX: No, I’m not. And yes – yes, I did.
MR MUGGLETON: When did this happen?
HENDRIX: Last night, after the physics exam.
JEREMIAH (to Ollie): I didn’t tell him anything, I swear.
OLLIE: Yeah, right.
But Ollie is led away by the police. Hendrix waves at him as they go. Jeremiah doesn’t look pleased, though.
Liv is doing her exam, while Miss Reyner invigilates.
MISS REYNER: You’ve been here an hour and a half, and you haven’t written a thing.
LIV: There’s no talking in exams.
MISS REYNER: You need to understand, I had no choice.
LIV: That’s such crap. You threw an innocent man under the bus to save yourself.
MISS REYNER: To save us. We’re in this together.
LIV: You text my friends and told them I was sleeping with Mr Muggleton!
MISS REYNER: I know! I’m sorry.
She sits next to Liv, and takes her hand.
MISS REYNER: I’m as freaked out about this as you are. But you haven’t exactly been acting rationally lately.
LIV: So this is my fault?
MISS REYNER: No, no – that’s not what I’m saying. But you running away and missing a Year 12 exam got you on the radar as someone to worry about. I was worried you were gonna say something about us. That’s why I had to go into your locker. I had to make sure you weren’t keeping evidence of us.
LIV: I haven’t told anyone.
MISS REYNER: You already said too much to Yashvi. People were gonna start asking questions; I just thought it was easier for you to deny a relationship that didn’t exist.
LIV: Mr Muggleton doesn’t deserve this.
MISS REYNER: Don’t worry about him. Once Susan investigates and realises the rumours are baseless, Marty will be back teaching next year. At that stage, you’ll be at uni, and we’ll be able to start our lives together, as per the plan.
LIV: Mum’s still gonna flip.
MISS REYNER: She just needs time to get used to the fact that you’re not straight. If she finds out about us now, we won’t be able to see how good this thing really is.
LIV: She knows something’s up. I can’t keep hiding from her forever.
MISS REYNER: I know (…) But we just need to wait until you finish Year 12, and turn eighteen.
LIV: That’s still two months away!
MISS REYNER: If you break now, I will lose my job, and I’ll go to prison.
LIV: You’ve told me this a hundred times.
Miss Reyner kisses Liv on the lips.
LIV: … What are you doing?
MISS REYNER: I can’t help it.
LIV: You’re crazy.
MISS REYNER: You love it. Don’t you?
Liv looks conflicted.
MISS REYNER: Now, let’s not have this conversation again. You’ve got a little bit of time left, so make it count. Okay?
School storeroom
Liv is filming her video diary.
LIV: She bought me a pregnancy test because I couldn’t face buying one. But by the time I got my head around taking it, my period showed up. She explained how, you know, stress can affect your cycle. And I was pretty anxious back then. So we kept talking… about all kinds of things. You know, my mum, school stuff. Friend stuff. Soon, I was making excuses to hang out with her instead of Richie… It wasn’t like with other adults. She didn’t judge me for wanting to be a novelist. She encouraged me to think big. To think wild. For a while, I thought I wanted to be Cherie. But then I realised, I actually wanted to be with her. When I finally got the guts to say it out loud, I found out I wasn’t crazy. The feelings were mutual. So it started.
Common room
Richie and Mackenzie are going pretty heavy on the pashing, whispering between kisses…
RICHIE: I like you so much.
Richie moves on top, and it’s all getting a little PG- rated, when…
MACKENZIE: Actually, wait.
RICHIE: Sorry.
MACKENZIE: No, it’s okay.
They pause, holding hands, foreheads together – both clearly eager to continue, but something is stopping Mackenzie.
MACKENZIE: Richie, I like you. I really do. But my head is still processing what we were talking about before. Rationally… I want to do this. But part of me just isn’t ready yet.
RICHIE: As in, us, or…?
MACKENZIE: The physical stuff. I mean, I love kissing you, but…
RICHIE: No, no, no. I get that. I know. You still haven’t had the surgery.
MACKENZIE: That’s part of it, but… I’m just not ready.
RICHIE: No, and… I know plenty of girls who feel like that. Oh, Corned Beef Tin!*. I didn’t… I didn’t mean it like that.
MACKENZIE (laughs): It’s okay. I got it.
Richie kisses her hands.
MACKENZIE: Richie, I’ve been through a lot in my life. Especially the last few years.
He puts a hand to her face.
MACKENZIE: And I need to trust someone fully before I get to that point. And I want that to be you, but I’m just not there yet.
RICHIE: … I am happy to wait. And even if you never get to that point, that’s okay, too.
MACKENZIE: Are you sure?
RICHIE: Yes! I just wanna spend time with you.
MACKENZIE: And kiss, right?
RICHIE: Obviously.
They laugh, then get right back to mackin’ on.
Yashvi turns up to ask Liv how her exam went. Liv gives her short shrift, still angry – but Yashvi’s desperate to talk.
YASHVI: Look, I might’ve got it wrong with you and Mr Muggleton. But something is seriously wrong here. I can’t promise I can take it away, but I can listen. I promise I’ll help you get through whatever is going on.
LIV: I can’t talk about it.
YASHVI: Well, then, write it down. You like that stuff. Maybe it’ll be easier.
Liv gets a text from Miss Reyner, asking where she is. Tearfully, Liv writes on the paper Yashvi has given her, then hands Yashvi her phone.
LIV: It’s a password to my messaging app. I made some video diaries as well, which will explain everything that my texts don’t… You’ll probably want to call my mum as well. And Mrs Kennedy.
YASHVI: Do you want me to?
LIV: No. But you should.
Liv leaves, and Yashvi looks at her phone.
School storeroom
We see more of Liv’s video diary.
LIV: Cherie and I would stay back late sometimes. We’d wait until everyone was gone, so we could roam the halls like an actual couple. We’d make out at my locker, or in her office. We’d fantasise about our future. About the plan. I was going to finish my exams, and then I’d move out from under mum’s thumb. Then next year, once I’d turned eighteen, we’d arrange to accidentally- on- purpose bump into each other. We’d have a drink, reconnect, and… suddenly, out of the blue, realise our relationship was more than just a student- teacher thing. It was love. I know that sounds naïve. But it was romantic, at least. I knew Mum would never accept that I was gay. And the way that she behaved when Mackenzie first showed up proved how backward she was about all that stuff. But part of me didn’t want to let Mum down. So I did my best to sabotage the relationship. Even hooked up with Hendrix at the school formal. It just made me realise that what Cherie and I had was really special.
Liv becomes tearful.
LIV: I know it’s wrong, on so many levels. But I love her. I mean, she’s risked her life for me. But it’s all gotten really hard. Before my business exam this morning, I tried to end things. But Cherie wouldn’t take no for an answer. We both got pretty upset. I tripped, and all of a sudden, Finn Kelly was there. It all just became too much.
Jeremiah storms in to have it out with Hendrix.
JEREMIAH: Where the hell do you get off?!
HENDRIX: Everywhere, lately. The bathroom, bedroom, balcony…
JEREMIAH: Look, I just spent an hour of study time being grilled by the cops.
HENDRIX: Did you show them your bruises?
JEREMIAH: Yeah, well, I had to, thanks to you.
HENDRIX: Not the gratitude I was after, but –
JEREMIAH: I didn’t ask for your help.
HENDRIX: But you needed it. You can’t keep letting them get away with this.
JEREMIAH (shouting): You don’t get it, do you?! People like Ollie don’t change! Punishment is nothing to them.
HENDRIX: Yeah, well, Ollie can’t get to you if he’s expelled. That’s the endgame here!
JEREMIAH: So what? We get rid of Ollie, and another one of his mates takes his position. Look, I’ve got a whole nother year of high school left. I lay low; that’s how I survive. Just like you survive by being a rich toolbag with too much money.
HENDRIX: Money doesn’t make everything magically okay for me.
JEREMIAH: What, so you’re the victim now?!
HENDRIX: I didn’t say that, but… you have to stick up for yourself! It’s the only way people are gonna respect you around here!
JEREMIAH: Respect?! What about what you did to Muggleton?!
HENDRIX: That was different.
JEREMIAH: Why? Cos he’s a teacher? … The whole goal of your tank was to get him fired!
HENDRIX: I didn’t go through with it, though.
JEREMIAH: Oh, what – so you’re a little less worse than Ollie.
HENDRIX: … I was an idiot. Next year will be different. It’s a whole new netball game.
HENDRIX: Mixed netball. Great way to meet girls.
HENDRIX: Look – I know it’s been hard for you. But I’ve got your back now.
JEREMIAH: By the time Year 12 starts, you’ll have forgotten we even had this conversation.
HENDRIX: I promise – I won’t. I like you, man. For real, we could be friends.
JEREMIAH: And why would you want that?
HENDRIX: … Because… I need one as much as you do.
Miss Reyner’s office
Mr Muggleton comes in.
MISS REYNER: I thought we agreed it was best you left for a while?
MR MUGGLETON: Cherie, you need to know –
MISS REYNER: Marty, come on. The rumour mill’s in overdrive. And Susan can’t possibly keep you on staff when you’re allegedly dating a student!
MR MUGGLETON: The rumours aren’t about me anymore.
Yashvi comes in.
YASHVI: Mrs Kennedy’s on her way.
MISS REYNER: Yashvi, what are you doing here?
YASHVI: You had us all fooled – pretended you actually cared about our futures.
MISS REYNER: But I do care, very much!
YASHVI: A little too much, I reckon.
Enter Angela, followed by Liv.
ANGELA: I was your biggest advocate on the PTA! I trusted you with my children!
MISS REYNER: Angela, please…
ANGELA: You abused my baby. You exploited your authority.
MISS REYNER: … I dunno what she’s told you, but I can assure you there’s been a mistake.
LIV: She knows, Cherie. Everyone does.
MISS REYNER: … This is just another one of her wild stories! You know what she’s like. Marty, you know!
MR MUGGLETON: No, I don’t know.
YASHVI: I just sent you a text from Liv’s phone.
MISS REYNER: That doesn’t mean anything! She could’ve got my number from anywhere!
ANGELA: How dare you?
YASHVI: The passcode for the encrypted messaging app is 243743. And in letters, that spells C- H- E- R- I- E.
MISS REYNER: Well, she’s got a crush on me!
YASHVI (reading): Where are you? I can’t wait to see you. I did it for us. Trust me, baby.
Yashvi then plays a sound file that Miss Reyner recorded for Liv.
MISS REYNER (recording): Hey, baby. I know you just got out of my car, but I miss you already. Oh, I can’t believe it’s already been a month. And I know you’re worried, but this’ll all be worth it in the end. Sneaking around’s kind of fun, right? Anyway, I love you – bye.
LIV: I’m sorry. I couldn’t lie anymore.
ANGELA: You have nothing to be sorry for.
Miss Reyner looks tearful.
School courtyard
Yashvi is wrapping up her video diary.
YASHVI: So, here I am, back doing this. I don’t know why; Miss Reyner’s been fired, it’s not like this reunion project of hers will actually go ahead. But I wanted to remind myself of this moment. Of how good it felt, helping Liv today. To be there for someone other than myself. To protect her. I’m always gonna want to play footy, but maybe there’s a career in helping people. Or doing some kind of service. I’m probably just kidding myself... Maybe there’s something in that.
She turns the camera off, and a musical montage begins.
Miss Reyner’s office
The police lead a handcuffed Miss Reyner past a vindicated Mr Muggleton.
School corridor
Miss Reyner is led past an unrepentant- looking Yashvi.
Outside the school
We see a loved- up Richie and Mackenzie walking up the familiar steps, hand- in- hand.
School corridor
Hendrix and Jeremiah high- five one another as they pass in the corridor, both smiling.
Harold’s Café
Liv smiles as she holds hands with her mum in the café.
Outside the school
Hendrix, Jeremiah, Yashvi, Mackenzie and Richie walk alongside the school, smiling and chatting, Richie and Mackenzie still hand- in- hand, while Hendrix puts his arm around Jeremiah. The camera closes in on Yashvi at the centre of them all. Now the only one out of uniform, she turns around, looks back at the school for one last time, and smiles as she walks away.